10 Tips for Growing and Harvesting Juicy, Delicious Melons


8. Protects fruit from soil and pests

It is important to protect melons from direct contact with the soil, which can promote rot and pest attack.

Place  supports under the fruit  , such as wooden boards, tiles, or plastic cups, to elevate and protect them. You can also use organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, to limit weeds and conserve soil moisture.

9. Monitor and treat diseases and pests

Melons can be affected by different diseases and pests, such as powdery mildew, mildew or aphids.

To prevent these problems, it is important to maintain  good crop hygiene  by removing damaged leaves and fruits, avoiding excess water and using natural preventative treatments, such as horsetail or nettle manure decoctions. .

Do not hesitate to consult a professional to choose the most appropriate treatments for your situation.

10. Harvest melons at the right time

Harvesting melons is a crucial step to make the most of their flavor and aroma.

It is important to know how to recognize the signs that a melon is ready to be picked. Generally, a melon is ripe when its  color becomes darker and more uniform  , its  stem comes off easily,  and its  flavor becomes more pronounced  . Don’t hesitate to try a melon to check its ripeness and adjust the harvest time according to your tastes.

By following these 10 tips for growing beautiful melons, you will be able to grow tasty, juicy and fragrant fruits in your garden. From soil preparation to harvest, every step counts to obtain quality melons.

Remember that patience and attention to your plants are the keys to successful melon growing. So don’t wait any longer and embark on the adventure of growing melons to delight your palate and that of yours!