8 little-known and useful uses of eggshells


5. To keep deer away

As mentioned above, egg shells can repel snails and worms. But they can also repel deer, which don’t like the smell of eggs.

6. To feed the birds

Birds are big fans of crushed eggshells because they contain a lot of calcium. And when birds are attracted to your garden, they reduce the number of insects there! Great!

7. To have beautiful and good vegetables

Placing egg shells under tomatoes, peppers, squash and zucchini will prevent them from rotting, thanks to the slow release of calcium.

8. To grow seedlings

Eggshells are perfect for making small seedling pots. Simply rinse the shells, place them in their cardboard box and fill them with soil and shoots. Don’t forget to remove the ends of the eggshell so that the roots can develop.