8 Slimming Drinks to Drink Before Sleeping



Blend an organic cucumber, you can add water to dilute the mixture and soften the flavor.
Cucumber is 96% water, so it is very low in calories and helps hydrate and drain your body. In addition, this food is rich in fiber, silicon, sulfur, vitamins and antioxidants, it considerably promotes weight loss, digestion and also helps control your glycemic index. According to the New Delhi Television website, cucumber not only helps melt abdominal fat, but also relieves constipation, reduces heartburn and lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.


Yes, you read correctly: grape juice can help you shed a few extra pounds faster. It’s all a question of quantity of course because fruits contain a lot of sugar. A small glass of pure grape juice (about 150 ml) before going to bed will stimulate the fat burning process. For what ? A study conducted by the International Journal of Obesity found that resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant found in grapes, was responsible. It will in fact transform white fat into brown fat which has the particularity of burning calories.