Blackened iron, make it shine with these 2 ingredients: you have them at home


Not everyone knows that there are two very simple ingredients you can find at home that magically remove all the black from your iron’s soleplate.

They are toothpaste and baking soda: but how do they clean your iron?

First, take our iron, turn it onto the side of the straightener and sprinkle the toothpaste evenly over the top.

Once you’re done, sprinkle a little baking soda with soda, to even out stain coverage. Leave to work for at least 5-10 minutes, then use a paper towel or cloth to remove the patina that has formed: you’ll see that the black stains have completely disappeared.

Then wipe with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly. The iron will be as good as new. But there are also other natural ingredients that are effective for cleaning it, let’s see which ones.

Other natural ingredients to clean your iron
The iron soleplate can also be cleaned with other ingredients, in addition to those already suggested above.

In fact, ice can be very useful for removing accumulations of dirt or rust from the plate. When the iron is perfectly cold, place it on an ovenproof dish filled with ice cubes, leaving it there for ten minutes.

The dirty part will have hardened, and using a plastic object, spatula or splint, try to loosen it. Then, using baking soda and vinegar, wash the hotplate and remove the residue.

To remove limescale and clean iron, salt and vinegar are ideal. Mix one part vinegar with one part salt in a saucepan. Heat the mixture until the vinegar boils. Use this mixture to cover the cold soleplate of the iron, spreading it with a cloth or sheets of newspaper.

Rub well until the stains and dirt we want to eradicate disappear completely: you’ll see that your iron will be as good as new.