Detoxifying Liver Infusions to Activate Fat Burning


Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of mint leaves, 1 cup of water.

Preparation: Boil the mint leaves, let them steep for 5 minutes. Drink this infusion for at least 3 weeks before bedtime.

Ginger and Lemon Infusion

A perfect combination for detoxification and overall health improvement. Rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, it helps in disease prevention and enhancing metabolic functions. This drink has a thermogenic effect, aiding in calorie and toxin elimination.

Ingredients: A few pieces of ginger, 1/2 lemon (juice and keep the peel), 1 cup of water.

Preparation: Boil ginger and lemon peel, let it rest for 10 minutes, then add lemon juice. Drink before bedtime.

Warm Water with Lemon

A great drink to start the day energized, it is also beneficial when consumed before bedtime.

Preparation: Heat water and add the juice of one lemon. Drink it half an hour before bedtime for at least 3 weeks. Rinse your mouth before going to bed to protect tooth enamel from lemon acidity.