Don’t Let Your Tomatoes Go to Waste: Turn Them into Flavorful Tomato Powder!


Tomatoes are a kitchen staple, but the excess supply can sometimes pose a challenge for both farmers and consumers. The surplus often results in significant post-harvest losses, leaving farmers with a conundrum and consumers missing out on their favorite tomato dishes. However, there’s a solution that can benefit both parties: transforming excess tomatoes into versatile tomato powder. In this article, we will explore why making tomato powder is a sustainable solution and how to creatively use this ingredient in your culinary endeavors.

The Problem: Tomato Surpluses and Post-Harvest Losses

Farmers often find themselves grappling with an oversupply of tomatoes, leading to substantial post-harvest losses. This surplus results in a significant portion of the fruit going to waste in fields or markets. The root of the problem lies in the limited knowledge regarding tomato preservation and value addition.


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