Here’s a simple trick that shows the right amount of laundry in the washing machine!


Putting too many clothes in the washing machine can have harmful consequences.

  • Washing efficiency  : if you put too much laundry in the appliance, the washing does not take place uniformly because the clothes do not mix together. As a result, they are not washed properly and cleanliness is not achieved.
  • Machine performance  : If you overload the machine drum, it may lose its performance, resulting in a shortened lifespan. Furthermore, if the machine breaks down, you will have to pay quite high bills.
  • Energy consumption  : Putting too many clothes in the washing machine can increase the abusive use of water and electricity. And this has a direct impact on your bills.

To avoid all these inconveniences, why not apply  this tip to find out if the amount of laundry in the drum  is enough for one wash cycle.

Here is the indispensable method to control the quantity of clothes!

Washing machine manufacturers were the first to confirm the effectiveness of this method. We are in fact talking about the  hand trick  which is based on the use of the hand. You need to check the space available in the basket.

To do this,  bring your hand with your fingers spaced apart into the full basket of the appliance . If you can pass your hand between the clothes and the top of the drum, it means that the quantity of clothes is adequate. If your hand gets stuck, you need to remove some items.