Here's how to attract thousands of ladybugs into your garden, keep them there and understand why they're so important to your garden


Plant Ladybug-friendly Flowers

Ladybugs are attracted to flowers that provide nectar and pollen. Consider planting a variety of ladybug-friendly flowers, such as marigolds, daisies, yarrow, and fennel, to draw them into your garden.

Avoid Chemical Pesticides

Chemical pesticides can harm ladybugs and deter them from your garden. Opt for natural pest control methods or use ladybug-friendly products if necessary.

Provide Shelter

Ladybugs seek shelter at night and during bad weather. Ensure suitable hiding places like dense vegetation, tall grasses, or small wooden structures to make them comfortable.

Keeping Ladybugs in Your Garden

Attracting ladybugs is one thing; keeping them in your garden is another. Here's how to ensure they stay:

Continuous Food Supply

Maintain a steady supply of aphids, scale insects, and other ladybug prey in your garden. Avoid using harsh pesticides that could destroy their food source.

Offer Water Sources

Ladybugs need access to water. Providing shallow water dishes or a drip hose can help maintain their hydration.

Release Ladybugs

Consider purchasing ladybugs from a reputable supplier and releasing them into your garden. However, release them strategically when pests are present so the ladybugs have immediate access to food.


Ladybugs are unsung heroes in the gardening world. By attracting these beneficial insects to your garden and ensuring they stay, you'll enjoy the advantages of natural pest control, enhanced pollination, and a healthier, more vibrant garden ecosystem. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to create a ladybug-friendly environment and reap the rewards of their presence in your garden. Happy gardening!