Homemade lemon marmalade: the quickest and easiest recipe


Creating the Marmalade Base:

In a saucepan, mix the lemon zest, the juice, and sugar. A one-to-one ratio is a good starting point, but you can adjust according to your preferred sweetness. Let this mixture sit for 30 minutes, which allows the flavors to meld together.

Cooking the Marmalade:

Heat the mixture over a medium flame, bringing it to a gentle boil. Stir occasionally, watching to ensure it doesn’t stick or burn. Cook until it thickens to your liking. To test, drop a small amount on a cold saucer and look for a film to form on top – this indicates readiness.

Storing the Marmalade:

Transfer the warm marmalade into sterilized jars and seal. Invert the jars to cool; this helps to form a vacuum seal naturally. Once cooled, store them in a cool, dark place.

Creating lemon marmalade at home is not only about preserving fruit but also about preserving a moment in time. The marmalade you craft today can bring the sunshine of summer to your table all year round. Enjoy your homemade marmalade on toast, as a cake filling, or as a sweetener for tea, and revel in the fruits of your labor.