How to Make Excellent Organic Fertilizer: The Potato Method



  1. Collecting potato waste: Collect potato peelings or damaged potatoes that you do not plan to eat. Make sure these potatoes are not treated with chemical pesticides.
  2. Prepare the bucket: Take a clean plastic bucket and poke holes in the bottom to allow for proper drainage.
  3. Adding the potatoes: Place the peelings or potatoes in the bucket.
  4. Add water: Fill the bucket with water to completely cover the potatoes. Use non-chlorinated water if possible.
  5. Closing the lid: Close the lid tightly to avoid unpleasant odors.
  6. Fermentation: Leave the bucket outside, away from direct sunlight, for about two weeks. During this time, the potatoes will ferment and break down.
  7. Dilution: After two weeks, dilute the mixture by adding water. You will get a dark brown liquid, rich in nutrients.
  8. Usage: You can use this diluted organic fertilizer to water your plants. It is particularly beneficial for vegetables, flowers and shrubs.

3. Benefits of Potato Fertilizer

Organic potato fertilizer has several advantages:

  • Low cost: It uses recycled materials, making it an economical option for gardeners.
  • Nutritive richness: The resulting liquid is rich in essential nutrients, which promotes healthy plant growth.
  • Waste reduction: This helps reduce kitchen waste, contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle.
  • Respect for the environment: This method is environmentally friendly and has no negative impact on the earth.

In conclusion, making an excellent organic potato fertilizer is both simple and environmentally friendly. By using this natural fertilizer, you will contribute to the health of your plants while reducing kitchen waste. Switching to organic growing methods, like this, is an important step towards a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.