If You Have A Toothache, This Simple Hack May Be Able To Help


If you find yourself grappling with a toothache – that persistent pain around or within a tooth, accompanied by dull, sharp, or throbbing sensations – it’s crucial to pay attention. Severe pain, coupled with issues like drainage, earaches, or a fever, warrants immediate consultation with a healthcare professional, especially if the discomfort persists beyond two days. Such symptoms could signal a severe infection, and timely intervention is paramount to prevent further complications.

However, for those experiencing a milder toothache, potentially arising from habits like gum chewing or nighttime teeth grinding, there’s a straightforward remedy that might bring relief. Kelly Bagnasco, sharing a toothache relief tip on Facebook, recommends a unique hack. She suggests using a Q-tip dipped in NyQuil and applying it directly to the affected tooth, claiming it can provide immediate relief.

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