If you own this plant, you’re lucky: that’s why it’s worth pure gold at home



We reveal the first secret first. This indoor plant is capable of  absorbing all the humidity in the house  ! Does that seem too little to you? You can say goodbye to dehumidifiers, just buy this little green gem. This characteristic is not negligible. Do you know that humidity in the house  can worsen the health of asthmatics  , if any? The Phalanx could save your skin!

Another extraordinary feature:  the spider plant is capable of eliminating carbon monoxide and xylene  , two of the most dangerous pollutants in the world. Purifying your home of these toxic elements allows you to breathe clean air. But its benefits don’t stop there.

Science has been able to demonstrate that this wonderful plant  even has a therapeutic function  : did you know that it  is capable of healing wounds and scars  ? So rich in  polysaccharides  which are part of the  hydrocolloid group  , the latter are regulators and  stabilizers of humidity in the epidermis  , helping the latter to be even more viscous.

Excellent solution therefore for people suffering from  sensitive, easily irritable and dry skin  . In short, as you can see, if you have this plant with  extraordinary or even miraculous properties  , you certainly have a treasure at home that you must take care of.

Can we talk about its beauty? It is a very beautiful plant,  its pointed and long leaves  which can be intense green or even white depending on the species, make the spider plant also aesthetically pretty.

It is not too big,  it will never exceed 75 cm in height  . In spring, it gives its best:  small white, fragrant and delicate flowers spring from its stems.

However, let’s focus for a moment on its main characteristic. Scientific studies have shown that the so-called  “Fiocco d’amore”  is one of the main  purifying plants  , even capable of  absorbing up to 95% of the carbon monoxide present in the air.

It  also removes formaldehyde from walls  and floors. We also reveal another little curiosity to you, did you know that  its leaves can be used for tea or infusions  ? In short, it has truly countless properties.