It has been voted the best trap for flies and mosquitoes. You do it with products you already have at home!


Flies and mosquitoes  are the true spoilsports of summer.

With the windows open, they enter our homes and to get rid of their cumbersome presence, we often resort to insecticides that are quite toxic for us and the planet.

Not only that, during summer nights, they make outdoor life impossible:  eating or enjoying a bit of freshness in peace seems a feat only possible as long as we spray ourselves with anti-puncture spray, let’s light up zampironi! Nature, in this case, almost seems like a stepmother. Let us remember, however, that above all she is a Mother and she provides us with very powerful remedies, but not toxic for man and the environment.

With a little  ancient wisdom and the right moves, we can experience spring and  summer undisturbed.

So let’s make use of these natural poisons, already known to our grandmothers.

Natural poisons against flies and mosquitoes

Go to the pantry and get some pepper . This spice, so prized in the kitchen, is really unpleasant for the sensitive sense of smell of insects. Simply prepare a bowl of ground pepper and add water in a splash. Place it in strategic places in the house, near doors and windows and you will get rid of its unpleasant presence.

Eucalyptus oil   is also a powerful deterrent to flies and mosquitoes: a few drops in  the  diffuser and two tablespoons of water will straighten out your day. You will take a deep breath, they will flee with outstretched wings.

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