Lemons, how to multiply them and make them juicy: the method used by our grandparents


Once this step has been completed, let’s prepare our vase, which will need to be filled with soil. Let’s create a small hole in the middle with our fingers and insert into this space  a teaspoon of rooting hormone  , a very popular stimulating gel used to make roots grow.

After applying the rooting hormone, we can insert the three pieces of branch into the soil, taking care to space them well.  All that remains is to close everything with more soil  and find the right place to place our vase.

What should we do now? Obviously our vase needs water,  so let’s start watering the soil  to ensure the roots are properly nourished. We repeat this operation whenever necessary and wait for the first shoots to appear.

Generally you have to wait about a month to see the first plants emerge from the pot. When our green friends are completely absent,  we can recover them  , obviously being careful not to damage them.

All the benefits of lemon: an avalanche of properties

You can also empty the pot, always with great care, and  pull the plants out of the ground  without damaging the roots. With this simple method we will have obtained lemon tree plants which will guarantee the multiplication of these extraordinary citrus fruits.

Lemon, as mentioned, is one of the best foods for our body, given its many beneficial properties. First of all,  this citrus fruit is rich in vitamin C  , which guarantees excellent antioxidant action.

In addition, taking lemon also helps to have  better digestion  and purify the body. Lemon also lowers bad cholesterol levels, protects against sore throats and protects the urinary system from possible infections.

Finally, lemon is a panacea for colds and is often also indicated for skin health, given its excellent  antimicrobial  and  antibacterial action  . This is why it is best to use the method to propagate these citrus fruits.