Natural fertilizer for plants at no cost: healthy and beautiful for years


Natural fertilizer for plants at no cost

Today we reveal  how to make natural plant fertilizer for free . Forget chemicals and artificial products and let mother nature help you breathe new life into your plants. What you need to do is  get some dry leaves  which you will add to a pot which you will then fill with  soil . The secret ingredient is this  manure , which is an  organic material  capable of providing our plants  with all the nutrients they need. In the same pan,  add two spoons of sand and two pots of ashes . With your hands,  start mixing these ingredients  so that they compact with each other. Now take a smaller pot and  cover the bottom with sheets of paper towels .

Natural plant fertilization technique

Then add your  soil made from ashes, sand and manure and  finally  your plant . Then proceed to  watering : you will see that in a few days your plant will have a bright and vibrant color but above all that the flowers and fruits will begin to germinate. Here’s how to make  natural plant fertilizer at no cost.  With this technique you  save money  and effort but above all protect your green jewelry and the environment  by avoiding buying products that contain toxic and chemical substances . Mother nature has thought of everything. With this system that we have indicated to you, you  will no longer have to worry about plants that wither and flowers that do not bloom : nature knows how to remedy this.