Natural Home Remedies For Sinus Infection (Without Antibiotics)


0.5 teaspoon apple cider vinegar – mix 1 teaspoon in the saline solution. This remedy can help reduce inflammation and pain, as well as getting rid of excess mucus due to it’s astringent properties and some probiotic components.

Sometimes I combined these ingredients (when the infection was advanced) like xylitol, iodine, grapefruit seed extract and essential oil – all together, sometimes I used 2 combinations at a time.

These are the natural remedies I tried for my sinus infections and sometimes they worked better than antibiotics for me. I used to get a lot of infections in the past, 3-4 times a year guaranteed. But not anymore, unless there is a series of factors combined that contribute to that.

Treating a sinus infection naturally may take a few days (in order to see the effect) it’s not instant like with antibiotics, so be patient.

Important Tips

When performing a nasal rinse, lean forward over the sink, and tilt your head down (keep your mouth open). Then straighten your head and allow the solution to drain out first, blowing very gently. Do not blow the water out hard because that can hurt your ears and give you an ear infection.

Garling your throat a couple of times after rinsing your nose is also helpful, sometimes the mucus gets stuck in the throat even if your nostrils seem clear. Try to tilt your head and shift your neck muscles as you rinse to get it in all the nooks and crannies. Scraping your tongue and brushing your teeth also helps.

It’s best to act fast once a sinus infections settles in, once it’s a full blown infection (that usually last more than 10 days) I’ve only found antibiotics to work, unfortunately. Other key, is to work out what is actually causing the inflammation.

Also keep in mind that every case is different, so if you have a chronic sinus infection it’s best to use your judgement. Any and all of this advice might be contra-indicated for you, and I’ am not recommending any of the above without consultation from a qualified practitioner. Consult with a doctor first and find out the real cause.

How To Get Rid of Sinus Headache

Steam inhalation and warm compresses over the sinuses can help with reducing headache and pressure pain related to sinus infections.

For steam inhalation you can use a steam inhaler that covers not only your nose but also the forehead. Add a drop or two of essential oil in it. For example juniper berry oil and eucalyptus essential oil is great for relieving sinus congestion. This works only temporarily, so it’s best done 2 to 3 times a day.

How To Relieve Pain From Sinus Pressure

Additionally you can use a warm pad over your painful sinus area. A cheap effective solution is to place some rice or salt into a small sock and heat it for a couple of seconds in the microwave. It takes about 20 to 30 seconds.

Place this warm sock on your forehead or cheek and let it stay there for about 15 to 20 minutes or until it cools down. It’s such an easy way to get rid of sinus pressure and so calmative that I usually fall asleep with it and I’m pain free during the night.

You can also make an oil dilution with anti-inflammatory essential oils (mixed with a carrier oil) and massage the painful areas to help reduce the sinus pressure. Great essential oil are: frankincense, sage, clove and chamomile.

Massaging the pressure points of the sinuses can help relieve nasal congestion, pain, or both. The method is called accupressure, it’s very effective especially when you have sinus pressure without congestion.

Natural Antibiotics for Sinus Infection

Natural antibiotics can be used for sinus infection, although more studies are needed to confirm their effectiveness. But it’s not going to hurt if you add a few drops of these natural compounds in your remedy for sinus infection. If you’re buying, just make sure you choose clean supplements with these quality check tips.

• Oil of oregano – it has powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties, you can mix 4 to 5 drops of oregano oil in some carrier oil. I like to mix it in a teaspoon of cod liver oil, which is a good source of anti-inflammatory omega-3s, Vitamin A and D3.

• Garlic – many studies confirm that garlic has potent antimicrobial activity against both bacteria and fungi. You can make an immune boosting tonic, or a flu bomb drink and take it daily. Or you could crush some fresh garlic cloves and swallow them as pills in order to avoid that garlic breath.

• Probiotics – you need to take good quality probiotics for your gut health, as well as for helping reducing and balancing bacteria load in the sinuses, especially if you had antibiotics. There are specific probiotic strains for upper respirastory health (BLIS K12 & M18). Eating eating fermented foods (fermented cabbage, beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon) is a another way to diversify probiotic strains in the gut.

• Goldenseal – it’s a herb that has antifungal and antimicrobial properties. You can take it in capsules, tincture or make an infusion (tea).

Relieving sinus infection without antibiotics is possible if you use natural home remedies and a healthy lifestyle. Make sure to include lots of good quality anti-inflammatory foods in your diet, this is key to reducing inflammation and helping the body fight off infections.

If you try out these natural home remedies for sinus infection, let me know how it went in the comments below!

Note: This content is not intended to be medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Please read the disclaimer for more information.