Oven very clean and without traces of grease with this method


Ready to discover  the secret of expert housewives ? You will be left speechless. Let’s proceed immediately. To polish your trusted household appliance, first of all,  equip yourself with rather resistant gloves.

Then get  a degreaser  that you will start spraying inside the oven and also on the grill. Don’t forget the walls and bottom of the appliance and of course the glass. At this point, you will need some  plastic bags .

Cut them in half and start placing them in every part of your oven , both on the glass and inside. With this technique,  the product you have sprayed will not dry immediately  and will instead act by removing every stain, even the deepest and most stubborn ones.

If you don’t have bags available, you can use  cling film . Let your oven stay covered like this for two hours, then start  removing bags and foil.

You will be surprised to see that simply by wiping with a damp cloth or even a simple sponge,  all the dirt and traces of grease will disappear from your appliance.

Even  the glass will return to being shiny and shiny : in a very short time you will therefore have an oven as good as new . And did you know this trick? This is a very effective method used by experts and housewives.

We’re sure that once you try it, you’ll never go back. We will also reveal another secret to you:  you can dry your trusted appliance , after having carefully degreased it,  using sheets of newspaper.

With this technique, in no time at all,  you will have the inside and outside of the oven shining like a jewel.  There is therefore a solution to everything, even cleaning encrustations and stains becomes, with a few simple suggestions, child’s play.