Pierce a banana and insert lemon seeds: The brilliant trick


Once you have cleaned them well, you can dry them with paper. Now take a  banana  and, without removing the skin, cut it into portions, then make holes in it. Now put the seeds inside.

Growing the lemon tree

Now get a vase and some  soil  . Dig a little and insert the banana portions. Now water thoroughly. Wait 5 days and once it passes we are sure you will notice that some plants are born.

Carefully take the banana portions that you inserted 5 days earlier and see how the seeds came out of the fruit on their own. Over time, you will find that your plant will continue to grow and  will need more space  .

It will then be necessary to uproot it and move it to a larger pot. Continue to take  care  of your lemon tree and don’t forget about it. It doesn’t require any special attention, but you will still need to make a minimum commitment to keep it alive.

After a while, if you do your duty well, you will be able to see the first flowers appear, that is to say the orange blossoms, then the first  fruits  . At this point you can harvest them and enjoy your plant. Please note that you can repeat this procedure, which we have just explained to you, as many times as you want to grow the lemon tree.