Slicing Onions Always Makes Your Eyes “Tears”: Grasp This Tip To Ensure No Spiciness And Quick Chopping



Chill the Onion:

Refrigerate or freeze the onion for about 15-30 minutes before chopping. Cold onions release fewer irritants, which can help reduce eye watering.

Cut the Ends First:

Trim the ends of the onion and cut it in half from top to bottom before peeling. This reduces the surface area from which irritants are released.

Cut Under Running Water:

Chop the onion under running water or next to a sink. The water helps neutralize the irritants and wash them away, reducing eye irritation.

Use Onion Goggles:

Consider wearing onion goggles to protect your eyes from irritants. These specialized goggles create a barrier between your eyes and the onion vapors.


Ensure good ventilation in your kitchen. Use a fan or open a window to allow the onion vapors to dissipate, reducing eye irritation.

Light a Candle:

Light a candle near your chopping area. The flame attracts and burns some of the irritants, reducing their impact on your eyes.

Microwave the Onion:

Heat the whole onion in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds before chopping. This can help reduce the release of irritants.

Work Quickly:

The longer you take to chop an onion, the more irritants it releases. Work efficiently to minimize exposure.

Proper Technique:

Learn and use proper chopping techniques to ensure quick and efficient chopping. This helps you finish the task before the irritants have a chance to affect your eyes.

Use Red Onions:

Red onions generally produce fewer irritants than yellow or white onions, so consider using them if the recipe allows.

Remember that everyone reacts differently to onions, so you may need to experiment with a combination of these tips to find what works best for you.