Sprinkle it on every pot of flowers you have in your garden and they will instantly come to life.


Only one ingredient in each pot for healthy and beautiful plants

The natural ingredient  used by professionals in the sector – and also recommended for home use – is mustard powder. Widely used in cooking, this natural ingredient is a true ally for plant care.

Its formulation is rich in  properties and advantages  , such as being able to defeat the parasites that affect the plant until its death. Mustard is not toxic or chemical, so its insecticidal action is not dangerous for other living beings.

Its use is very simple,  in fact a single tablespoon will be enough  for each vase to be poured directly onto the ground. Immediately afterwards, loosen the soil and make sure the mustard is absorbed, before watering as usual. An action to be carried out once a month, so that the plant is protected from the parasites and snails that attack it every season.

For gardeners, this is a  natural fertilizer  to use all the time and for all plants. Among its properties, a development of benefits that nourish the plant from the roots to the leaves, or used as fertilizer in spring for healthy and powerful flowering.

This is an  ingredient recognized  for being rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, essential for fruit and flowering plants.

It is used to counteract the massive arrival of ants, not only in plants but also in vegetables such as  tomatoes and cucumbers.  Also excellent against the most invasive parasites or against snails, capable of feeding on the sap of the plant until it dries and dies. Mustard powder can be used at any time of the year and in any type of climatic condition, remembering that it  acts as a protective screen  against various plant parasites and as a nutrient rich in mineral salts.