Ten Signs That Your Body Is Not in Balance


5. Sleeping too much: Hypersomnia, characterized by excessive sleeping, can be caused by various autoimmune disorders. Excessive sleepiness at any time and place should be discussed with a healthcare professional.

6. Changes in eye color: A white or grey ring around the cornea of the eyes can indicate excessive cholesterol, particularly if you are under 45 years old. High cholesterol levels can contribute to cardiovascular problems.

7. Craving only salty food: Constantly craving salty foods could be a sign of iron deficiency, anemia, dehydration, or premenstrual syndrome. Proper evaluation by medical specialists is necessary.

8. Fatigue and a low libido: Persistent fatigue and a diminished libido might be indicative of a thyroid hormone problem, which can have a significant impact on energy levels and overall health.

9. Feeling thirsty all the time: Excessive thirst may result from various factors, including the consumption of salty foods. However, it can also be a symptom of conditions like diabetes or pregnancy, so it’s essential to rule out these possibilities.

10. The need to chew ice: If you find yourself constantly craving ice, it could signal an iron deficiency or anemia. Blood tests are necessary to confirm and address this issue.

Recognizing these warning signs and seeking medical advice when necessary is crucial for maintaining good health. Our bodies often provide early indications of potential health problems, and paying attention to these signals can lead to timely intervention and improved well-being.