The most effective tip to eliminate flies and perfume the entire kitchen


Other remedies to keep flies away

Envelopes filled with water  . We will surely have noticed bags filled with water on the balconies or windows, and we wondered what they were used for. This remedy is an effective natural repellent against flies. The reason is simple: when the sun’s rays penetrate water, they generate a prism that steals hatred.

Apple cider vinegar  . To make a fly trap, cut a plastic bottle in half, pour vinegar into the bottom, then invert the top, like a funnel. Flies, attracted by the vinegar, will enter the bottle and get stuck there.

Aromatic plants  . The aroma of certain essential oils and plants such as lavender, mint, lemongrass, basil or eucalyptus have natural repellent properties. Simply sprinkle a little essential oil in different parts of the house, or put some seedlings, to keep flies away.