Use Frozen Lemons To Say Goodbye To These Health Problems




The lemon juice is extremely high in vitamin C, while its rind is effective in eliminating toxins from the body. Studies have shown that the lemon peel actually contains 5 to 10 times more vitamins.

Decades ago, scientists examined the effects of lemon in the case of cancer. What they found was that these fruits eradicate malignant cells in several types of cancers, including lung, breast, and colon cancer.

What’s best about this all is that lemons, unlike chemotherapy, target only the cancerous cells, and do not affect the healthy ones.

According to Dr. Marilyn Glenville, a nutritionist, and expert on women’s health, the peels from various fruits can boost the immune system and support overall health. She also claims that smoothies are far healthier than juices, as they also contain other parts of the fruit, including the peel.

Lemon smoothies have a bitter taste, so the following option, to freeze them, is the one we strongly advise.

Therefore, here is how to freeze lemons:

As the nutrients are present in the peel, it is important to wash them properly in running water. Next, disinfect them with baking soda or apple cider vinegar. Again wash them under running water and place in the freezer overnight.

Once frozen, grate them in a glass jar and keep the jar back in the freezer and use as and when required. It is advised to use the grated peel as toppings for salads, soups, juice and even in homemade sauces.