Hair in the shower drain: the infallible trick to eliminate it


This trick obviously comes to us thanks to the wisdom of our grandmothers who, like us, encountered the same annoying nuisance.

At this point, instead of trying to use chemicals that will give you very poor results, try  following this method below . This way you can save money and solve the problem in a few moments.

The specific intervention that should be used to  free your shower drain from hair  is actually very simple.

First of all, you need to get a  long enough wire or metal hanger  that you use to hang your clothes. Then you have to  create a hook at the base of the iron wire  and then insert it into the drain. When you have reached the affected area with the thread, try to catch the hair and  fur that is blocking the drain with the hook and  then carefully pull everything out.

Believe me: the operation is  really simple  and you don’t have to take any kind of risk to complete it.

Over time, you will finally be able to see the “dirt” that was clogging the drain. Using this  quick and easy trick  will save you time and money.

However, there is another small problem that your shower drain can give you and to know how to solve it, just keep reading.

Shower drain: learn how to eliminate bad odors without using chemicals.

An  unpleasant odor  can also reach your nose from the shower drain. To get rid of this smell, simply follow the method written below.

Simply  pour half a bottle of vinegar down the shower drain . After that, you should leave this ingredient on for  no less than 4 hours .

Once the time indicated above has passed, all you have to  do is run some boiling water  down the drain. By using this method, your drain will be free of bad odors and you will no longer have to cover your nose before entering the bathroom.

After discovering these DIY methods available to everyone, you just have to use them at the right time and enjoy the result.

Eliminate bad odors and hair and hair buildup in your shower drain this way, and you’ll see the difference right away.

Good job and good cleaning.