How to remove black from the bottom of the toilet with just a spoonful of this remedy


Toilet cleaning pumps
If, on the other hand, you want a product to be used as needed to prevent the problem of limescale deposits, then you’ll have to try toilet cleaner pumps that can remove the dark stains that form on the bottom of your toilet! To make them, you’ll need to equip yourself with:

50 grams of citric acid
200 grams of baking soda
half a tablespoon of dish soap
ice moulds
Start by pouring the citric acid and baking soda into a bowl, then mix until well blended. At this point, add the eco-friendly dishwashing detergent to make a sort of paste or compound and pour it into the ice cube trays (or recycling bins).

Then let it sit for about 4 hours and finally remove the cubes and store them in a dry place – your bath bombs are ready to use!

All you have to do is clean the bathroom thoroughly, flush the toilet and throw the bomb in the toilet : the contact with the water will make it start to bubble, which will remove the black scale at the bottom of the toilet.

Here is the last remedy in case of stubborn incrustations that do not disappear with the remedies we have seen so far: Borax, a white powder capable not only of removing dark limestone incrustations but also of bleaching yellowish clothes!

Start by pouring about 300 ml of white vinegar into the toilet bowl and let it sit for about half an hour. Then scrub with a toilet brush or toilet brush and add about 50 grams of borax powder. Leave it on for about half an hour, then pour in 1 litre of hot water and scrub with a toilet brush: your toilet will be as white as ever!

NB We recommend that you wear protective gloves when handling borax, as this product can have an irritating effect on your skin.