Peace lily, only with this ingredient it blooms up to 10 years in a row


If you love the peace lily, here is a natural method to ensure the plant continues to bloom even after many years.

peace lily

It takes little to personalize our home and make it  cozy  just as we have always dreamed of. Simply furnish it with the style that best represents us, and add here and there details that not only speak about us, but make it our place in the heart. Coming home after a day of work, in fact, gives a feeling of  peace and serenity, and  if looking around us we love what we see, then our mood will benefit even more.

Paintings, photographs and designer decoration accessories undoubtedly contribute to the creation of a special place. But if there is something that has the power to make everything more beautiful, it is nature.  Indoor flowers and plants , in fact, fill spaces without being too much or out of place. They also adorn the environment with  refinement and elegance , and make the habitat around them complete, harmonious and extremely relaxing.

Among the plants that are ideal for closed spaces, we cannot fail to mention the  peace lily , characterized by dark green leaves and its wonderful white flowers. It is said to bring good luck and, as its name suggests, is a symbol of peace. Taking care of it and making it bloom as it deserves is easier than we can imagine. The secret is in the use of a specific ingredient.

How to Grow and Bloom the Peace Lily

The peace lily is perfect to be used as furniture, but we know that the flowering of plants, unfortunately, has a limited period of time.

This does not mean, however, that through  proper nutrition  the flowers cannot last longer, and that the plant can continue to  grow  in a healthy and natural way so that the flowering remains beautiful and lush throughout the years. .

How to care for the peace lily

All you need to do to make this happen is to create a mixture made of  tapioca flour and water  in a DIY way. This ingredient, in fact, is considered a natural fertilizer, and is derived directly from the tuber of a tropical plant called yucca. Among the substances it contains are  minerals  such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and many others.

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