Refreshing Beetroot and Lemon Juice for a Healthy Colon and Weight Loss


What You’ll Need



To prepare this revitalizing juice, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 6 kale leaves
  • 3 carrots
  • 2 red apples, cut into pieces
  • 1 beet
  • Half a peeled lemon
  • 2.5 cm piece of ginger

Make sure to peel and wash the carrots, beet, and lemon before using them. For the best results, opt for organic fruits and vegetables.


Follow these simple steps to create your revitalizing juice:

  • Pour one to two cups of water into your blender.
  • Add all the ingredients and blend until smooth and well-mixed.
  • To ensure a smooth consistency, strain the juice using a strainer.
  • Give it another quick mix with a spoon.
  • If you like your juice cold, add a few ice cubes to give it a refreshing twist.
  • To keep your juice fresh, store it in a glass jar and refrigerate.

Important Warnings

While beetroot and lemon juice is incredibly beneficial for most people, there are a few exceptions to keep in mind:

If you suffer from ulcers, heartburn, or citrus allergy, it is not recommended to consume lemon.

If you are taking antacid medicines or medications for blood or heart problems, it is best to avoid lemon.

Beets are prohibited if you are undergoing anticoagulant treatment or have kidney disease.

Final Thoughts

Now that you have the recipe and the knowledge, why wait? Give your colon a boost and kickstart your weight loss journey with this delicious Beetroot and Lemon Juice. Remember to consult your doctor if you have any specific health concerns before including this juice in your diet.

Drink up and enjoy good health! Cheers to a happy colon and a slimmer you!