Simply place a balloon in the shower drain to solve this annoying problem.






Among the rooms most occupied by these undesirables, the leaks in our showers and sinks turn out to be true entry points. However, there is a simple and ingenious solution to keep them away: the balloon trick. Simply cut one end of a balloon before inserting it into the drain. This technique allows maintaining a sufficient opening for the flow of water and at the same time allowing cockroaches to pass through. By adopting this advice in all areas of the house, you can create an effective barrier against these unwanted intrusions.

Conclusion: a healthy and protected home

By combining rigorous hygiene practices with simple but effective plumbing tips, it is possible to effectively protect your home against cockroach invasions. By using harsh chemicals, you also protect the health of your family and pets. So arm yourself with balloons and good hygiene practices to keep your home clean, healthy and free of these crawling pests.