Spread it on the ground when planting: prevents vegetables and fruits from rotting.


Whether it’s peppers, tomatoes, eggplants or other types of vegetables and fruits, the sensation is always the same.

Despite this, it must be taken into account that  unpleasant situations can arise in this type of cultivation  .

This happens when, despite the efforts made, those who cultivate the land ultimately fail to obtain the best results.

This occurs when  vegetables and fruits begin to wither and rot  .

When such events occur, it is important  to take immediate action  .

Below you will find the explanation related to  a very effective remedy  to implement in these cases. To learn more, continue reading below.

Spread it on the ground when planting, what are we talking about?

The remedy that we will highlight will refer specifically to the  vegetable planting phase  and what will be used in this regard. What will you need?

Stock up on plenty of  eggshells  , as they are  rich in minerals.  Then you will have to   reduce them to powder   and then add them to the plants.

The 90% of calcium present inside will represent the best natural source of this mineral and can only be a valid added value to prevent unpleasant situations like these.


However, before breaking them down, you will have to take intermediate steps.

How to proceed: additional steps to follow

First of all,  the shells are washed and dried well  , to avoid unpleasant odors, and only then can they be  crushed or crumbled  .


By adding  powder derived from eggshell to the soil, you can count on  better absorption of microelements and an increase in the yield of planted crops  .

In this way,  the physiological change of vegetables and fruits will be avoided.

You can also add  ground coffee  , as it is full of nitrogen, for  an excellent natural fertilizer  .

Coffee as fertilizer

Here you can even use  coffee  if you are trying to grow vegetables and fruits, because it can favor, for example, the growth of radishes or carrots.

In this case, it will be enough to add the coffee grounds to the seeds of the  mentioned vegetables  and precisely during sowing.

Specifically, this can be made with parsley, basil, blackberries, blueberries, broccoli, apples, and tomatoes.

Not only that, coffee grounds can be used for zucchini, corn and eggplant.

What has been said here makes it clear how useful and possible it is to use natural products and methods like the one we have just described.