Stop Throwing Away Eggshells: 7 Genius Uses at Home


Since nothing is created, everything changes, the tips and tricks that make your daily life easier have always amazed us! Among them, eggshells are useful in many ways! Let’s discover together how you can simplify your everyday life.

Eggs are an inexhaustible source of nutrients for health. It’s just that we often tend to get rid of the things that could make our life at home easier. 

After eating hard-boiled eggs, your first instinct is to get rid of the shells. However, the latter can help you with many gardening tasks, but also with house maintenance. Don’t throw away this very useful source of minerals!

Why should eggshells be stored at home?

The egg is an unparalleled source of nutrients with many benefits, yet we routinely remove the shells without realizing that they could be very useful. Recycling these calcium and magnesium-rich membranes can – once shredded – be used both in the garden and at home.

Hard egg

1- Recycle eggshells to clean your pans

The shell is made up of a series of organic materials that, thanks to their abrasive properties, act as a cleaning agent, especially degreasing the bottom of a pot   like baking soda  . To use the remaining peel  , it must be ground in a blender until a homogeneous powder is formed. Using a cloth or sponge and soapy water, all you have to do is rub your dishes to make them shine. A compelling argument for saving the shells of your hard-boiled eggs!

Powdered eggshells

2- Use this organic matter to produce seedlings

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