These 6 Natural Antibiotics Could Save Your Health (and Your Life), No Prescription Needed


Because of the overuse of antibiotics, we have cultivated a variety of multidrug-resistant super-bugs, and have set ourselves up for weak digestive tracts, which lowers our natural immunity to future infections. On the contrary, natural antibiotics, like those mentioned below, do not only help our digestive tract, but they strengthen the immune system and actually fight off infections without compromising our health.

Here are 6 natural antibiotics that could save your health (and your life), no prescription needed!

1. Garlic

Raw garlic is a great natural antibiotic and is incredibly effective at battling bacterial and viral infections. The active component in garlic, called allicin, has been found to be effective against multidrug-resistant strains of bacteria like E.coli, and helps fight against infections caused by Candida albicans, and can destroy human intestinal protozoan parasites.

Studies have also found that those consuming garlic are almost two-thirds less likely to catch a cold than those receiving a placebo. And even if those in the garlic group did catch a cold, they recovered faster if infected (compared to the volunteers taking the placebo).

Garlic is also incredibly high in antioxidants that help destroy free radicals, supporting a strong immune system.

2. Pau D’Arco 

Pau D’Arco is another wonderful natural antiobiotic. It was used by ancient Incan civilizations in order to treat a range of conditions. It is especially useful as an anti-fungal, or anti-viral, helping to get rid of colds, the flu and Candida.

Pau d’arco is also used for the prevention and possible treatment of cancer, thanks to a chemical compound in the plant called lapachol, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

Pau d’arco is often made into a tea, and you can usually find the bark shreds at your local health food store.

3. Turmeric

If you want to stay sickness-free forever, then just eat (or juice) turmeric every day for the rest of your life. This rhizome has some serious illness-healing super-power! Turmeric contains a polyphenol called curcumin, which has been proven effective in over 150 therapeutic activities. It is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, one of natures best antibiotic, anti-carcinogen, anti-viral, anti-fungal and so much more!

Turmeric also improves the activity of beneficial bacteria in our gut, which lends to more immune-strengthening effects, since our immune system starts in our digestive tract.

4. Olive Leaf Extract

Research has found that olive leaf is beneficial in the treatment of conditions caused by viruses, retroviruses, bacteria and protozoans. It has been found useful in the treatment of influenza, the common cold, candida infections, meningitis, herpes I and II, shingles, pneumonia, chronic fatigue, HIV/AIDS, urinary tract infections, ear infections, malaria, gonorrhoea, encephalitis, and dengue.

Studies have found olive leaf to interfere with the ability of viruses to produce critical amino acids needed for their survival. Olive leaf also prevents the shredding, budding, or assembly of new viral cells at the cell membrane and completely halts viral replication.

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