Tiger Balm: 19 uses for the body and home no one knows


Put some tiger balm on a cloth and rub your skin thoroughly with it.

After a few minutes, the paint will start to dissolve and you can easily remove it.

6. Fight against sweat odor:

Did you know that it is possible to greatly reduce sweat odors through prolonged use of tiger balm?

Apply the balm regularly to the parts of your body that need it and bad body odor will disappear.

Instead, you will smell menthol.

7. Treats diarrhea:

When you travel abroad, diarrhea quickly occurs.

To treat it, rub a little tiger balm in and around the navel.

Then, cover the navel with the palm of your hand for two or three minutes to let the heat spread to the stomach.

You can also pass a little balm between the coccyx and the anal region for more effectiveness.

8. Calms sore throats:

Angina, bronchitis…

At the first signs of a sore throat, apply tiger balm generously around the neck area before sleeping.

Gently rub your neck with the palm of your hand.

As a result, your sore throat will be nothing more than a bad memory the next morning.

9. Treats a toothache:

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