Why should a person suffer if Sage grows on the earth? 4 categories of ailments treated.


An old adage formulated at the transition from antiquity to the modern world stated: ‘Why should a person suffer, when sage grows in the garden?’ The Latins named this plant ‘salvere’ – meaning ‘to save’, precisely to highlight its immense power in curing numerous diseases. In France, this plant is called ‘toute bonne’ – which means ‘all is well’.

Flipping through the pages of old medical literature, we see that sage is recommended for numerous health issues. Arab doctors greatly appreciated sage and believed that its regular use could extend life.

The botanist John Gerard said that sage is particularly good for the head and brain. It sharpens the senses, restores health to those affected by paralysis, and eliminates limb tremors. Other authors maintain that sage strengthens the nerves and extinguishes fever.

Today, sage is used in at least 4 major categories of conditions:

Cerebral ailments: strengthens psyche and memory, stimulates brain activity, prevents Alzheimer’s disease and senility, relieves headaches;
Nervous disorders: removes anxiety, restlessness, depression, confusion, fatigue, balances the nervous system, improves emotional health;
Hormonal disorders: balances the hormonal system, reduces hot flashes associated with menopause, night sweats, and milk production, lowers blood sugar in diabetes;
Digestive disorders: eliminates flatulence (excess gas), restores lost appetite, and soothes sensitive stomachs.
Another area where sage truly excels is in mouth and throat ailments. It is one of the most effective plants for curing infections of the oral cavity and throat, due to its antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties:

sore throat, cough, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, respiratory ailments with abundant secretions, inflammations of the oral cavity, abscessed teeth, throat ulcers, halitosis, cold, fever.
In these cases, sage is used in the form of mouth rinses and gargles with infusion. Dr. Rudolf Weiss recommends a mixture of 10 ml of sage tincture and 10 ml of chamomile tincture for mouth and throat ailments. The tinctures are put in a glass of water, mixed, and used for mouth rinses several times a day, even hourly if needed.

What science says about sage

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