3 tips for whitening dirty socks


It is difficult not to have white socks in your wardrobe, whether female or male. And rightly so, since this must-have garment from our wardrobe matches all our shoes and most of our looks, day or evening. However, being an off-road vehicle, it tends to get dirty quickly. As a result, it can easily switch from pristine white to matt and dark gray. Even after a classic wash, it is never easy to find its original whiteness. Yes, but not to mention these proven methods that would return their candor to them

Dirty white socks – source: spm

How do you whiten opaque white socks?

Unlike colored socks, dirt is easily visible on white socks. And, even after being just washed, some stubborn stains don’t completely disappear. In addition, they reveal an opaque and antiquated appearance. How can you remedy this problem and restore their lost candor? We know several ways to treat unruly spots and revive the shine of your white socks.


In particular, there is an unusual way to wash them, but still daunting. It will probably surprise you at first, but you will be very satisfied with the result. The secret lies in the pre-wash: the socks must first be carefully immersed in a specially prepared solution before putting them in the washing machine.

How to prepare this solution? Pour the water into a saucepan, add two sliced lemons and bring to a boil. Once the water starts to cool down, dip the dirty socks. Ideally, leave them like this for 1-2 hours so that the solution absorbs well. So, wash your socks as usual in the washing machine. They will turn out to be white almost like the first day!

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