A doctor gives 9 tips for losing weight without dieting


Eating breakfast
“Eat like a king in the morning, like a prince at noon and like a pauper in the evening” is a very apt quote. Indeed, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In particular, it allows the body to carry out its functions during the morning and reduce cravings, sugar cravings and impulsive food intake.Practice regular physical activity
To lose weight effectively, you need to practice regular sporting activity. And yes ! Sport, in addition to being an important health ally, is essential in the process of losing weight. Running, skipping rope, Zumba, swimming, tennis, football, you are spoiled for choice! In addition to helping you lose weight, practicing sports allows you to feel more joy and energy in your daily life since your body produces endorphins after each sporting activity.
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Eat more fiber
There are two types of fiber: soluble, which helps regulate blood sugar and cholesterol in the blood, and insoluble, which helps improve intestinal transit to prevent bloating. This is because these substances swell in the stomach and take longer to digest, thus promoting satiety.
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